Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's been awhile...

and a long year and a half. So first, I haven't posted in forever and I'm sick of Matt giving me a hard time for not posting. Thus, what am I doing? Making my first post in over 3 months. I'm sitting here watching game 7 of the NBA Finals. It's been a great series and a pure shame if you haven't been watching it. This is the first game 7 in 11 years. It definitely isn't the NBA of the great MJ, but I think it is starting to gain its appeal back.

Anyway, today was essentially my last day at that medical software company that continues to amaze me. I just have my exit interview tomorrow and then I'm done. It was a good experience in the fact that I learned not how to do a lot of things. Mainly you can't expect people to turn into trained monkeys. My timing to switch jobs could not have come at a better point though because one of the guys I'm leaving behind found out today he's going back under our old boss. He's not very happy about it and they're pulling him off of writing actual code. Which is an insult in itself because he has a degree in computer science not fricking MIS. Thus, I told him to get his resume back out there and do what I did, just walk away. I just don't understand why that company makes such drastic decisions to only cause low morale amongst its employees. Had I not found my new job, I would not have been happy either. I definitely would have asked to be moved to another team. The old boss is Lumburgh in so many ways it is crazy. Otherwise, I guess that is it. I cleaned my cube out (I left my cover sheet hanging for the next guy.) and walked out of that place for the final time tonight. At first I felt kind of bad for the guys I was leaving behind, but given the situation now, I don't the slightest.

I'm taking the next two weeks off and relaxing for the most part because I really haven't had a vacation since I went out to Michael's condo over New Years. It will be nice and well deserved I think. I'm flying out on my birthday to Boise to see Anne and Andy. It should be a good time, probably not as eventful as the last time I was out there though. However, I'm not sure how I'm going to live down the fact that I'm missing the Weezer/Cake concert from Matt. Tough call, but I'm sure they'll be back through at some point. Plus, it just wouldn't be the same without Andy there to inform everyone, "I'm going that way".

So that is pretty much it. Now that I'm actually going to have some free time with my new job, I'll probably keep this updated more. Until then, I'm closing this edition of the TPS report.


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